Taking Good Care Of Your Sapphire and Diamond Jewelry

When you buy sapphires and diamonds you expect to go to their children or grandchildren someday.
So to do this, you must be sure and take good care of your jewelry over the years so that you and your descendants will be able to enjoy its celebrated beauty .

Like almost everything you own, sapphire and diamond jewelry will have periodic cleaning and grooming to keep it at its best. Here are some tips to care practices gathered from owners of the jewelry.

Dirt and oils

Own jewelry, especially diamonds and precious stones, show more fire and brilliance. Colored jewelry , dirty or covered with dark diminish the beauty of the jewelry.

Oil, water or soil, simply reduces the natural shine of the stone. Your jewelry collects skin oils with game day and the daily management of jewelry.

Dust and dirt are often deposited at the bottom of a diamond and thus interfere with the brilliance of the diamond.

The lesser of dirty oil film off the ability of a rock to reflect the light stone . Many dyes , detergents or other colored liquids can have a real effect on the color of your stone .


While diamonds are considered the hardest mineral and can not be polished or cut by another diamond can be chipped by a hard blow .

So , wear your jewelry while doing hard work can cause damage to the diamonds and certainly more than other precious stones such as blue sapphires . In addition, violent sports , hard work, and other heavy activity could be risky. Their closures , bevels and other mechanisms to keep the stones in jewelry might get loose and lose their stones .

It is also a good policy to remove your jewelry when entering a hot tub , Jacuzzi or pool. Chlorine can accumulate in your jewelry and make gold and other metals that could cause brittle loose teeth with stones. The same is true for household bleaches , it is advisable to remove your jewelry when performing the duties of cleaning the house .

The brightness of the stone can be blunted by toiletries daily . Things such as soaps, lotions, powders, hair sprays and perfumes may also decrease the brightness of the stone.


You can buy cleaning kits trade jewelry or you can use regular household items to clean your jewelry .

To the mixture of do-it -yourself method of warm water and a mild detergent with a few drops of ammonia.

Soak your jewelry in this solution for a few minutes to loosen dirt and oil. Then gently wipe jewelry with something like an old eyebrow brush or toothbrush with soft bristles.

Then rinse with warm soapy water away from all this feeling. Then dry with a lint-free cloth trying not to touch your finger jewelry .

Once completely dry, then your jewelry will be ready to shine that you use with your nice outfit.

If you use a commercial jewelry cleaner , be sure to read and follow the instructions provided.

Periodic reviews

Only the daily use of your sapphire and diamond can cause some teeth to loosen or metal frames . Be sure to make regular checks to that effect end up losing one of their diamonds or gemstones. It is easy to realize that a stone missing until it is too late to know where to look .

Jewelers can easily pull teeth with stones , so it's not a bad idea to just stop and do from time to time.

And, if you prefer, you can have it cleaned by the jeweler as well .


Never store all your jewelry loose in the same container . Diamonds in a piece of jewelry can scratch other precious metals and stones .

Its sapphire and diamond jewelry is best stored in a fabric lined box with separate compartments. For safety wrap each piece of jewelry individually in a soft cloth or a handkerchief or a place in a jewelry pouch .

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